ASACERT is a certification and inspection body with long-standing experience and international accreditations.
ASACERT offers Certification, Inspection and Evaluation services to support companies, of any sector and size, in the implementation of all those activities of control, assessment and estimation that require high level of technical expertise, vertical skills and advanced equipment.
This means employing qualified personnel with up to date competences, a service approach to service conducted with professionalism and confidentiality, but also flexibility, proactivity and attention to companies’ needs.
ASACERT professionals – located throughout Italy and the international network – have a specific sectoral competence, undergo periodic updating checks in relation to new auditing methods and techniques, changes in sector regulations and the introduction of new certification schemes, with the aim of always guaranteeing advanced and reliable technical assessments. Our experience gained in different areas allows us to offer both a timely, specialised response, and to develop comprehensive services.
ASACERT operates in accordance with international ISO/IEC 17020 and ISO/IEC 17021 standards, accredited by ACCREDIA in Italy, GAC in Georgia and notification to the European Community for CE marking (CE 2021 ).
In 2016 ASACERT obtained the legality rating (two stars) from the Italian Antitrust Authority, a tangible sign of its commitment in terms of quality, social responsibility, legality and transparency.
For more info about ASACERT please visit the official website www.asacert.com .
Coldiretti, with one and a half million members, is the leading organization of agricultural entrepreneurs at national and European level.
It is a social force that represents agricultural enterprises and enhances agriculture as an economic, human and environmental resource, with the aim of guaranteeing agricultural companies opportunities for development, within a context of full integration of agriculture with economic and social interests of the country.
Organizes and promotes the production of Italian agri-food supply chains on the markets, guaranteeing traceability, environmental sustainability and the equitable distribution of value among the actors in the supply chains.
Filiera Agricola Italiana implements a large Italian agri-food system that focuses on farmers who apply ethical disciplinary measures and certificates consistent with its values and promotes authentic agri-food assets throughout the national territory, guaranteeing origin and traceability.
It also plans, in partnership with Trade and the restaurant sector, projects that meet the growing needs of consumers in terms of safety and traceability, guaranteeing sustainability for the agricultural company and ensuring the continuity of supplies and the consistency of quality.
Since 1972 ANRA groups and represents all those professionals who deal with the assessment and management of business risks and insurance aspects, such as Chief Risk Officer, Risk Manager and Insurance Manager, Risk Management consultants. The association is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and its statutory purpose is to spread business culture through conscious risk management. Through its activity, ANRA aims to promote the exchange of experiences and information among the Members, contributing to the growth and dissemination of skills of risk management, through training courses, opportunities for professional updating and other initiatives.

Euro-Toques was founded in 1986 with the aim of creating a network of connections and comparison between the chefs of individual European countries, and guaranteeing good and healthy food for European citizens. Hence the first common model of behaviour, at an international level: a real code of honour, in which 19 European countries are recognized today, for a total of 2,500 chefs. Euro-Toques International becomes the first Association to obtain official recognition from the European Community, through the president of the European Commission who indicates Euro-Toques as the association for the defence of food quality in every nation. In Italy, the association was founded by Gualtiero Marchesi, first President, followed by Massimo Spigaroli and Enrico Derflingher, current president of Euro-Toques Italia and co-President of Euro-Toques International.