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No increase for wine, oil and  pasta imported from Italy. The outcome of the dispute over the aeronautical sector had already been the subject of our news in which we reported estimates of losses for Made in Italy in the USA for over 3 billion euros.

The origin of the affair sees Boeing (supported by the US) and Airbus (supported by France, Germany and Spain) in opposition for 16 years. The United States has been authorized by the WTO to apply penalties of up to $ 7.5 billion. On July 24, however, the scenario changed as the member states concerned and the European Union complied with the rulings of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the Airbus case. This decision therefore eliminates the reasons why the United States must maintain countermeasures on EU exports. The EU Commissioner for Trade, Phil Hogan, declared that tariffs on European products are not acceptable and are not applicable, in light of the latest decisions of the European countries in which Italy is not even involved!

It is necessary to remember that the United States is the first extra-European market for local agri-food products, for a value of 4.7 billion in 2019. In general, 2019 was the golden year for Italian agri-food exports. However, the stop of imports has caused a leap forward in the fake Italian market, fueling the already thriving economy of Italian Sounding, which in the USA alone has a turnover of 27 billion euros, more than 5 times our exports. .

There is no doubt that the news of the anti-duty shield for some strategic products in favor of our exports, has given some relief in a historical period in which exports are struggling and trying to regain trust and markets, after the recent devastating global health events. However, we must point out that the “additional import duties” of 25% that came into force on 18 October 2019 and that have already affected Italian specialties such as Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano, Gorgonzola, Asiago, Fontina, Provolone but also salami, mortadella, crustaceans, citrus, molluscs, juices and liqueurs, remain in force.

Another issue that worries, albeit indirectly, is the confirmation of new tariffs for French and German products which, in an interconnected world, can only have consequences on our market: US punishment will lead to an internal over-supply of those “unwanted” goods in the USA.

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Fabrizio Capaccioli Managing Director ASACERT

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“A small result that must not make us lose sight of the goal of eliminating (it is not enough not to increase!) the specious and medieval duties imposed on our agri-food excellence. It is time for a massive investment in marketing campaigns abroad, allocate real funds for companies that export and encourage the conversion of traditional companies into e-commerce, providing expert guide agencies, who take entrepreneurs by the hand and lead safely on the path to internationalization. On the other hand, it is necessary to protect with ever greater incisiveness, using effective tools, tested, entrusted to qualified and specialized companies, the protection of true Italian restaurateurs abroad. An issue that becomes vital for the survival of Italian restaurateurs and for the entire Made In Italy HoReCa sector. This is the goal of the ITA0039 Network, with its Certification Protocol to protect and promote the true and genuine Italian catering.”



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