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600 million euros for restaurants, pizzerias, canteens and catering, produce the invigorating effect of rain on arid land, tormented by a long drought. A breath of fresh air for an entire sector on the verge of bankruptcy for too many months.

Tax relief and non-repayable fund for the purchase of supply chain products for a minimum amount of 2500 euros, (catering purchases currently affect only 40% of agri-food goods); support for hiring for seasonal workers; extension of furlough; special support for restaurants in Italian historic centers.

In detail, the non-repayable grant is due to catering companies with administration, canteens, continuous catering, for the purchase of products, including wine and also PDO (Protected Designation Origin) and IGP (Protected geographical indication). A necessary condition is for companies to have had a decrease in turnover in the months from March to June 2020 compared to the same period of 2019 lower than at least 25%, the text of the law says: “less than three quarters of the amount of the average turnover in the months from March to June of 2019”. No requirements for those who started their business from January 1, 2020.

To obtain the funds, interested parties must submit an application, according to the procedures that will be established by decree within 30 days of its entry into force. The contribution is paid for the 90% upon acceptance of the application, upon presentation of the tax documents certifying the purchases made, even if not receipted, as well as a self-certification of the requirements. The remaining 10% is paid following the presentation of the payment receipt, provided that it is made in a traceable manner.

A “restaurant platform” will created for the applicants, they will have to register and apply. The application can be made also going to the branches of the affiliated concessionaire, providing the requested data.

It will be up to the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, also making use of the Central Inspectorate for the protection of quality and the repression of fraud of agri-food products (ICQRF), to carry out checks and verifications on the contributions paid.

It must be said that in the last 12 years the domestic food consumption of Italian families has decreased by over 16 billion. On the contrary, the growth in consumption outside the home, in the same period, increased by about 5 billion.

However, those who expected the restaurant bonus will be disappointed. The measure – designed to reimburse 20% of the bill for those who paid by card – was rejected, the cashback will replace it. It was launched with the 2020 Budget law and then set aside due to the economic and health emergency. The cashback will be activated from 1 December 2020, to support consumption during the Christmas period: 1.75 billion euros have been allocated, in addition to the 3 billion expected for 2022. The goal is to encourage cashless payments: part of the amounts paid by card will be returned. It will be a points mechanism – no discounts – which allows you to collect points based on the number of transactions, and get refunds to be used before the holidays and the following year. It will be possible to know the details of this operation in the coming months.

The catering bonus intervenes for the first time by implementing the criteria of the European Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy, going even further, and applying its principles to the world of catering, from field to table, in support of the Made in Italy agri-food chain, a sector that has become the leading economic reality in the Italian country with 3.6 million employees.



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