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A complex phase, the one we are experiencing. Loss and uncertainty in the future, on the threshold of Phase 2 of the emergency in Italy, there are few certainties. One of these is awareness of the crucial role, also from the point of view of the protection and safeguard of health, of good and healthy Italian food. In support of the enhancement and recognition of the strategic nature of this sector, a government measure that includes agrifood in the list of supply chains benefiting from the Italian Golden Power arrives unexpectedly.

It is a regulatory shield, designed by the executive branch to protect the activities of some defined strategic sectors, including for example national security or defense. It has its roots in the law decree 15 March 2012 n. 21, which redefined the area dedicated to the special powers of the government, to be exercised in order to safeguard the ownership structures of companies operating in strategic sectors, including, from today, the food sector.

The Golden Power rules have been extended with the Liquidity Decree, which came into force on April 9, 2020 and was designed to provide support to companies overwhelmed by the coronavirus. In this protectionist enhancement, so far from our culture and instead already well rooted in the socio-political systems of other European States (just think of France), the Government will be able to oppose the purchase of shareholdings or in any case will have the right to dictate specific conditions in merit, in addition to being able to express its veto on the adoption of specific company resolutions.

The European Commission specifies that the exercise of these prerogatives must always take place impartially, objectively and through criteria made public and must be justified by reasons of general interest.

The reason for this new provision can be seen in the need to avoid foreign companies taking over the Italian ones, taking advantage of the objective difficulty they face (who knows how much longer, especially after the collaps of the foreign market). They could unjustifiably purchase Italian brands at black friday promotion prices. The decree was received with great and unanimous satisfaction after the disappointment of having seen some of the most significant realities of our heritage fly across the border. It is worth mentioning some of the most significant: Bertolli oil, Carapelli, Sasso, Buitoni pasta, Parmalat milk and cheese, Galbani, Invernizzi, Locatelli and the Scaldasole farms, Fiorucci cured meats, Peroni beer, Grom ice cream, Antica gelateria del Corso and Algida, Perugina and Pernigotti chocolates, Gancia sparkling wine, Bimbo barley, Saiwa crackers, San Pellegrino soft drinks, Stock liqueurs, Sperlari candies but also Acetum SPA, the main Italian producer of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PGI and Nuova Castelli which is the main exporter of Parmigiano Reggiano Dop (Coldiretti data).

It is clear that this turnaround is finally a concrete element in safeguarding and protecting strategic activities, which now also include the food sector.

Let’s not forget the qualities of the Italian agri-food system and large retailers: responsibility, sense of duty and great capacity for endurance and operational continuity, while maintaining quality and safety unaltered. A climate of great solidarity towards the entire national community reigning within the sector, which has always been the flagship of our economy.

We are talking about a million realities divided between 740.000 farms, 70.000 food industries and 230.000 points of sale, including hypermarkets (911) supermarkets (21.101), discount food stores (1.716), mini markets (70.081) and other shops (138.000). A value from the fields on the shelves of 538 billion euros, 25% of GDP. *

Measures, those mentioned, which are flanked by the constant defense of Made in Italy, put in place by ITA0039 that – with its certification protocol in agreement with Coldiretti, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, ANRA and the international cooking school IFSE – protects the real Italian restaurants abroad, while guaranteeing the entire supply chain of truly Italian products.



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