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Culture and culture, this is the combination that emerges on the second day of work at the Coldiretti Village in Matera.

30 November 2019. ASACERT supports and facilitates producers and restaurateurs in their search for raw materials and useful connections for the export of genuinely Italian food. Many meetings with entrepreneurs and artisans of the Made in Italy taste, interested in being protected in their mission of spreading Italian agricultural culture abroad, above all through the restaurant business. The issue of guaranteeing the true Italian product is connected to the increasingly widespread phenomenon of Italian Sounding and seems to represent the first concern expressed by Italian producers-exporters and restaurateurs.

“They ask us for effective tools of protection against unfair competition,” says Fabrizio Capaccioli – Managing Director of ASACERT. “The operators who carry out their activities abroad and that we are meeting in this Matera HUB-LAB, are deeply worried about the increasing difficulties they encounter in their activities: they feel abandoned in their daily battle against the fake Italian” and concludes “Standing out in the jungle of those who say they are carriers of Italianness, but in fact they are not, and to let the final consumer know where to find the Italian culture at the table, are the priorities that ASACERT, as a specialized certification body, has given itself. ITA0039 is the only certification tool professionally designed and implemented ad hoc, by an accredited body, for the protection of operators in the agri-food and food and wine sectors abroad”.

Government representatives have come and gone on the stage set up in the heart of the European capital of culture. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio, in his speech, emphasized the increase in the necessary culture of labeling also at European level, with increasingly harmonized rules between European and non-European countries. The acclaimed Minister Bellanova wanted to reiterate that agriculture is part of the climatic solution and that Italian agricultural and zootechnical producers do not only export genuine goods, but are exporters of health culture.

“We are in perfect harmony with what was declared by the authoritative guests of today’s Village. This commonality of views has already materialized with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture to our certification protocol ITA0039 | 100% Italian Taste Certification.” The MD ASACERT also affirms that:” We register, with great satisfaction, the interest and the openness towards the Protocol also by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. We hope to have news very soon “.

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