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The European Commission announced a few days ago its “Farm to Fork” (F2F) strategy, the initiative to start the transition towards a more sustainable agro-food system.

It is a strategy that aims at a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system and is part of the great plan called “Green Deal”, a roadmap, established at European level, for the achievement of a circular economy with zero climate impact, in which economic growth is dissociated from the use of resources.

In this context, “Farm to Fork” was presented at the same time as the strategy for maintaining biodiversity, with which it is strongly connected. The two approaches, thus combined, propose ambitious actions and commitments by the EU to halt the loss of biodiversity in Europe and in the world and transform our food systems into reference standards for global competitive sustainability, human and planetary health protection, as well as the coexistence of all actors in the food value chain.

In particular, the strategy sets concrete targets for transforming the EU’s food system, among others:

  1. reducing the use of pesticides and related risks by 50%

  2. reducing the use of fertilizers by at least 20%

  3. reducing by 50% the sales of antimicrobials used for farm animals and aquaculture

  4. achieving the goal of allocating 25% of agricultural land to organic agriculture

Farm to Fork also proposes ambitious measures to ensure that the healthiest option is at the same time the easiest one for EU citizens, also thanks to better and clearer labeling to respond more adequately to information needs regarding healthy and sustainable food, without forgetting the indication of origin.

A greater awareness for consumers and processing companies is aimed, in order to reduce both food waste and food based on sugars, fats and products of animal origin.

“The label indicating the origin of food responds to the expectations of the vast majority of European consumers and 82% of Italian consumers who believe it is necessary to overcome current EU policies on the origin of food to counteract a phenomenon, that of fakes. and imitations, which cost Italy over 100 billion euros a year worldwide” says Ettore Prandini, president of Coldiretti, who recalled “the obligation to indicate the origin is a historical battle of Coldiretti that has led Italy at the forefront in Europe for policies aimed at quality, food safety and information transparency.”

The Italian agri-food heritage has nothing to hide, it is made of excellence in terms of taste, naturalness and healthiness.

ITA0039 | 100% Italian Taste Certification has been operating for years through its certification process dedicated to the world of restaurants, verifying that behind the classic Italian symbols shown on the packaging and signs, there is an authentic Italian restaurant, which uses original products from Italian suppliers.

Important numbers are those of Italian agriculture. A value that stands at around 31.8 billion euros, in 2019 it is the first in Europe where – underlines Coldiretti – it is also the greenest with 299 Dop / Igp specialties recognized at Community level and 415 Doc / Docg wines, 5155 traditional regional products surveyed along the Peninsula, the leadership in organic farming with over 60 thousand organic farms, and the primacy of world food security with the lowest number of agri-food products with irregular chemical residues.

A European awareness emerges, an exhortation to make agri-food production, in its entire supply chain, a greener and therefore healthier sector. Nothing new for our producers. It is known, it is Italian food, the first inspirer of the Mediterranean diet, to be the true representative of a better lifestyle, increasing our immune defenses, even at the table.

It is the protection and enhancement of our traditions, which inspire the path of the ITA0039 protocol supported by valid partners and the growing enthusiasm found in the many Italian restaurateurs in the world. The certification evolves from a tool of recognition and authenticity – the only one issued by an accredited professional body after a transparent and effective procedure – and becomes a real virtuous network, dedicated to the enhancement and diffusion of the Italian food and wine product in the world. The 100% Italian Taste certified restaurants will soon be available on the platform, currently under development, which will connect them with direct customers – who will finally have a tool to know what is in the dishes served at the table – and with Italian producers, to which restaurateurs abroad can finally turn to buy authentic Made in Italy products.

Coming soon!



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