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100% Italian Taste restaurants

Restaurants certified 100% Italian taste, by the ASACERT certification company, can benefit from the ITA0039 brand.
To combat false catering abroad, the restaurant must pass the selective criteria that contribute to composing a final rating of Italian character.

Evaluation criteria

Raw material

  • oil

  • flours

  • dairy products

  • dairy

  • sausages

Customer menu

  • traditional dishes

  • naming dishes correct

  • bilingual naming/description of dishes

Wine list

  • wine list with a prevalence of Italian DOP DOCG bottles

  • correct naming


  • a waiter of Italian origin or speaking

  • presence in the kitchen of at least one person of Italian origin or with significant work experience in the Italian catering sector

Made in Italy

  • presence of a space inside the room used for the sale of typical Italian products

  • the organization of events, meetings or tastings related to Italian food and wine

  • collaboration with magazines, sites, guides, Italian tourist promotion bodies

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